Monday, February 9, 2009

"Do the right thing....Come what may."

I didn't mean to make this so long but please find sometime to read it and hopefully it will bless you.

"Do the right thing."

I recently watched a movie called Come What May. I mentioned it in an earlier post. If you want to you can watch it on formerly known as GodTube.

One of the themes in the movie (I guess the main one) is "Do the right thing...come what may." I never realized how true that was until recently. Sometimes you have to do some things that aren't easy and the contradict what everyone else says or think. These ways are usually easy ways out. That's why doing the popular thing is what a lot of people do. (I want to say most though) Everyone wants to be liked. It's human nature. No one wakes up and says "I want someone to hate me today." That would be crazy. People dress nicely, spend hours on their hair/ makeup (hopefully only girls) and act how the "popular" people act. I go to public school so we definitely have those. I'm sure they are in private schools to and they are in my youth group too (but not as much) I remember wanting to be popular so bad in intermediate school (because it really mattered back then) My friends were the popular ones. I never did become popular (aside:now the people who were my friends get all these rumors made up about them and they all hate each other even though they act like they are friends) So now I'm thankful I wasn't ever "popular." God knew what was really best for me.

Anyway doing the right thing isn't always easy because it isn't always the popular thing. It make be hard sometimes like not going to see a movie that all your friends are seeing or not wearing a certain outfit. It sometimes gets even harder when you have to stand up against your friends in order to do the right thing. I have personally heard this example who know how many times and I'm sure you have to but if you are reading this you have to hear it again.

Say there is a less liked kid in your class. You probably know someone like this unless you live in a box or something. A little different, made fun of often, ignored often. You know. Sometimes these kids get made fun of. Maybe you don't really like the person either. Do you join in? Do you stay out? The easiest thing is to just join in. The harder but still easy way is to stay out but still not say anything. The hardest but right thing to to stand up for the kid. There was a girl in my youth group who to be honest, sometimes got on every one's nerves. One trip all my friends go placed in the same room but I got placed with her. At first it made me really mad. But I got to know her. I talked to her and was nice to her (even though at times it was hard) But she had her moments when she said something really smart or she was fun to be around. In a lesson at church one time we wrote down our role models/people who we admired. They gave us the option to say ours aloud if we wanted to. Me I didn't want to. I was really shy back then (I'm still shy but so as much as I was then) so I opted out of that and sat and listened. I heard my name and it came from the girl. I was shocked. I didn't think that I did anything good or anything. There were times when I did mistreat her and I feel so bad about that. But I treated her the best out of anyone else in our youth. Sometimes she would say something and the older high school boys (I was in middle school at the time) would say some stupid comment about it. I got really, really mad. She is a precious creation of God and God loves her so why should I not? Maybe she's different than the "normal" people. (Even though there is no such thing as normal) God made her the way He wanted to. I love and miss her. Unfortunately she stopped attending youth. I don't blame her at all the way that the majority of the youth group treated her. I pray that she'll walk in to the youth room some day so I can hug her and tell her how much I've missed her.

I made a lot of mistakes in that situation. I sometimes did the right thing but sometimes the easy and popular thing seemed so much easier.

"Come what may"

"Come what may" That doesn't sound too nice and happy. That sounds to me like there may be some hard things that may happen with doing what's right. You may lose some friends. You may get made fun of. But even though it may seem like what happened because you did the right thing wasn't worth it. It's always the best decision to do the right thing. No matter what comes.

Recently (as in today) I had to remind myself that doing the right thing was worth it. No matter what happened. My mom works at my school which is such a blessing to me. She knows all the teachers, substitute teachers and most of the students. We have a rule in my school. I don't care if it's stupid and people don't agree with it. It is a rule and I think that it should be followed. (I'm not going to go into details) Well the substitute let the students break this rule knowing full well that this rule shouldn't be broken. It personally bugged me. Call me a tattle tale but I told on the sub. I talked to my mom and she agreed that this was a rule that shouldn't be broken so she told the sub that she shouldn't have done that and not to do it again. I get to class today and she is saying all this stuff about how someone told so they can't get out the cell phones. So there is this talk for the whole class period (maybe not but most of it) that was "I can't believe someone would tell. This is so stupid. Who would do that? It was probably ______" All that stuff. Surprisingly no one suspected that it was me. That was good. But there was some no so nice stuff said about me. Even though it wasn't. At first I was like. "Why did I tell? If they found out it was me I'm going to get beat up." But then I thought "Do the right thing...come what may." I wrote it on my notes and just went on with my life ignoring the comments.

That was a very minor example of what could happen after doing the right thing. It was worth it for me to tell. It really isn't a big deal. I ended up laugh at the situation how pathetic people were because they couldn't do something. But it was worth it and I would do it again.

Does anyone else have any "Do the right thing...Come what may" experiences? I think this is an important rule to live by. I am not artistic so I asked one of my my artistic friends to make me a sign that says "Do the right thing...Come what may." It may be hard but it's always worth doing the right thing.

Philippians 4:8 (New American Standard Bible)
Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

I'm sorry I didn't mean to make it this long.


Zoe said...

Great post!

Zoe said...

Do you want to join YCF?

Anonymous said...

That was a great post Calsie! I really enjoyed it, and it inspires me to do the right thing!