Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hello. I really don't have anything to say. But....I wanted to post. Actually I do have stuff to say just don't want to bore ya'll with it. Buddy Holly died 50 years ago on this day. A Buddy Holly museum is like 15 minutes away and you can get in free today. But I'm too busy and not really a Buddy Holly fan. I haven't even heard his music. Anyway.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Hi I think you were the one that emailed me. I would have emailed you back, but I accidentally deleted your email!

I appreciate being picked to do the bible lesson for In The World...Not Of It. But truthfully I don't feel qualified, and with having school and a part time job, I really don't have time.

Sorry, I hope some other people will do it! Thank you though. =)